Frequently Asked Questions

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Horse Testing

What type of sample is needed?
DNA testing is performed from hair samples collected from the mane above the withers. The DNA is contained in the root bulb (follicle). The hair from the mane of a foal may be fine and not have much of a root bulb. When collecting samples from young foals, collect hair from the tail instead where the follicle at the end is larger.
Why should I send the mother’s sample if I already know she is the mom?
Having the mother’s DNA makes testing much more powerful. A sire may be falsely included if the mother’s sample is not used to eliminate her half of the DNA contribution. When the mother is not available, extended testing can be done to determine proper parentage
If my horse has already been DNA-profiled through DDC, do I need to send another sample?
No. We can access our database to retrieve the DNA Profile information for horses we have tested. You can provide us with the DNA ID number for that previously-tested horse and we will include it in a new parentage evaluation. There is a $10 fee to include each previously-tested profile in a new parentage- evaluation case.

Reach Us

Have questions or need assistance? Contact our team.

DNA Technology Park
1 DDC Way
Fairfield, OH 45014

INT: + 1.513.881.7800

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