
Can Someone Refuse a Paternity Test?
A DNA paternity test is the most reliable method for determining whether or not a man is the biological father of a child, and this type of testing is trusted by courts all across the UK and around the world. But what happens if a mother or a possible father refuses...
An Ancestry Mystery: The Beaker Folk
The amount of knowledge we have amassed about the history and movement of man really is incredible, and we only have this knowledge because of the painstaking ancestry research done over recent generations by dedicated academics, archaeologists, geneticists, and...
The Discovery of the DNA Double Helix: What It Means to Us All
Discovering the DNA Double Helix Structure In the 1950’s, two exceptionally talented scientists, Francis Crick and James Watson, building on the earlier work of their colleague Rosalind Franklin, discovered the DNA double helix: a structure containing the blueprint...
Human Cloning: Would You Do It?
For quite some time it has been possible to clone human embryos, and doctors have been collecting stem cells to use in genetic treatments for many of the most challenging medical conditions. There have been a number of rather fanciful films made about the subject, but...
DNA Testing for Ancestry and Lineage: Is It for You?
It seems a natural part of the human condition to be preoccupied with our ancestors and our history. We all want to know where we came from and how we got to where we are now. DNA testing for ancestry makes it possible to go further back in our family histories than...
Top 5 Paternity Testing Myths
Ten years ago, very few people had heard of paternity testing, and it was an expensive and slow process. We are now all familiar with the term, which is spoken of freely on daytime TV, with programs dedicated to revealing the paternity of a child in the full glare of...
Lifestyle DNA Tests and You
Lifestyle and your DNA When we think of DNA and genetic science, a few things immediately spring to mind: disease modification and treatment, forensic problem-solving, and relationship testing—just to name a few. Sometime in the future, genetic science is going to...
Expecting and Stressed? How a Prenatal Paternity Test Can Help
Finding out that you are pregnant is a hugely emotional experience for any woman. Reactions can vary from joy to shock and concern and every other emotion in between. With the sudden surge of hormones that pregnancy brings, every woman knows that she may experience a...
UK Immigration Test: Your 5 Most Important Questions
With the advent of DNA testing, the whole process of immigration has become so much simpler and has removed the level of doubt that often lay with the immigration services. Family members can now participate in a UK immigration test to prove the relationship that the...
Understanding your DNA Paternity Test Report
Having finally made the decision to have a DNA paternity test UK, you may have concerns about the thoroughness of the process and how to understand the test report. Ring us for a FREE confidential consultation on 0800 009 2969. We are ready to assist you. Reports can...
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